Starbucks Revenue by Store Type

The chart above displays the net revenue of Starbucks from its company operated and licensed stores from 2015 to 2022. Its net revenue in 2022 was $32,250.3 million compared to $29,060.6 million in the prior year. Starbucks generated $26576.1 million from the company operated stores in 2022 compared to $24,607 million in 2021. Net revenue from licensed stores increased to $3,655.5 million in 2022 compared to $2,683.6 million in 2021.

In 2022, the total number of Starbucks stores grew to 35,711 compared to 33,833 in 2021. Its number of company operated stores grew to total 18,253 compared to 17,133 in the prior year. The coffee brand also grew its total number of licensed stores to 17,458 in 2022 compared to 16,700 in the previous year.

Revenue of Starbucks from company operated and licensed stores 2010-2022.

Amounts are in millions. 

YearCompany Operated Stores (Mn)Licensed Stores (Mn)OtherTotal
2016 $16844.1$2154.2$2,317.6$21,315.9
2015 $15,197.3$1,861.9  
2014 $12,977.9$1,588.6  
2013$11,793.2 $1,360.5  
2012 $10,534.5 $1,210.3  
2011 $9,632.4 $1,007.5  
2010 $ 8,963.5 $875.2  

In 2021, Starbucks total revenues grew to $29.06 billion compared to $23.52 billion in 2020. The company generated $24.6 billion from the company operated stores in 2021 compared to $19.2 billion in the previous year. Its revenues from the licensed stores in 2021 was $2.684 billion in 2021 compared to $2.327 billion in 2020.

In 2020, Starbucks generated total $19,164.6 million from its company operated stores compared to $21,544.4 million in 2019. Its revenue from licensed stores in 2020 was $2,327.1 million compared to $2,875 million in 2019. Starbucks also generated total $2026.3 million in 2020 compared to $2,089.2 million from the other sources.

The company operated stores account for the larger part of the coffee brand’s revenue. In 2018, Starbucks generated a total revenue of $19.7 Billion from the company operated stores whereas the licensed stores generated $2.7 Billion in revenue for the brand. The number of company operated stores in 2018 was 15,341 whereas that of the licensed stores was 13,983.