The chart above displays the net sales of Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) from 2013 to 2022 in millions of US dollars.

Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) generated $28.5 billion or 2.6% higher compared to the prior year in 2022. In the previous year, the company had generated total $27.8 billion in net revenue.

Net Revenue of Hewlett Packard Enterprises 2013-2022

Amounts in millions.

YearNet Revenue (millions)
2018$ 30,852
2017$ 28,871
2016$ 30,280
2015$ 31,077
2014$ 31,518
2013$ 31,856

In 2021, the net revenues of HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprises) grew by 3% compared to the previous year. The company generated $27.8 billion in net revenues in 2021 compared to $26.98 billion in 2020. Its gross profit also increased by 10.7% in 2021 compared to the previous year.

The Revenue of HPE grew to $ 30,852 milions in 2018 from $ 28,871 millions in 2017.

 Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) separated from Hewlett packard (HP) in Novemenber 2015. Since then HPE is a separate division whose business is divided into the following four segments – Hybrid IT, Intelligent edge, Financial services and Coporate investments. Hybrid IT provides a broad portfolio of services-led and software-enabled infrastructure and solutions including secure, software-defined servers, storage, data center networking and HPE Pointnext services. It combines HPE’s hardware, software and services capabilities for making Hybrid IT simpler for its customers.