Coca Cola revenues from United States

The chart above displays the net revenue of Coca Cola company from the United States from 2010 to 2022. In 2022, the company generated $2.4 billion higher net revenue from the US market compared to the prior year. Coca Cola generated $15.4 billion in net revenue from the United States in 2022 compared to $13 billion in 2021. In its history, Coca Cola had generated the highest revenue from the United States in 2015 when its revenue from its domestic market reached above $20 billion.

Revenues of Coca Cola Company from United States 2007-2022

Amounts in $ millions.

YearUS Revenues (Millions)
2018$ 11,344
2017$ 14,727
2016$ 19,899
2015$ 20,360
2014$ 19,763
2013$ 19,820
2012$ 19,732
2011$ 18,699
2010$ 10,629
2009$ 8,011
2008$ 8,014
2007$ 7,556

2021: The United States is the sole largest market of the Coca Cola company. The soda beverages brand generated $13.01 billion in net revenues from the US market in 2021 compared to $11.3 billion in 2020. The company generated $25.645 billion in 2021 from the international markets compared to $21.733 billion in 2020.  Its total net revenues climbed 17% in 2021 compared to the previous year. The company generated $38.655 billion in net revenues from its global businesss in 2021 compared to $33.014 billion in 2020.

Coca Cola’s US revenue grew to $11.7 billion in 2019 to $11.34 Billion in 2018.