HPE Revenue from the United States

The chart above displays the net revenue of Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) from the United States from 2015 to 2022.

The United States is the single largest market of HPE products. In 2022, the company generated $9,425 million from the United States market compared to $8,850 million in 2021. HPE also generated $1,964 million from the rest of the Americas and $10,292 million from the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Its net revenue from Asia Pacific and Japan remained $6,815 million in 2022. In fiscal 2022, the share of the US market in the total net revenue of HPE was just a little less than one third.

The total net revenue of HPE in 2022 increased to $28.5 billion compared to $27.8 billion in 2021. Its total revenue from the overseas markets in 2022 was $19,071 million compared to $18,934 million in 2021.

Revenues of Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) from United states & Other countries 2015-2022

Amounts in millions.

YearUS Revenue (millions)Other Countries (millions)Total (millions)
2018 $ 10,192$ 20,660$ 30,852 
2017 $ 10,022$ 18,849 $28,871
2016 $ 10,333$ 19,947$ 30,280
2015$9,589 $21,488 $ 31,077

 In 2021, HPE generated $8.85 billion from the United States market compared to $8.16 billion in 2020. The company generated $18,934 million from the international markets in 2021 compared to $18,820 million in the previous year.

In 2021, HPE generated $1,825 million from the Americas excluding the United States, compared to $1,700 million in the previous year.

In 2021, HPE generated $10,329 million from Europe, Middle East & Africa compared to $9,745 million in 2020. Its revenues from Asia Pacific and Japan in 2021 remained $6,780 million compared to $6,375 million in 2020.

2020: In fiscal 2020, HPE’s net sales declined significantly compared to the prior year. The company generated only $26,982 million in 2020 compared to $29,135 million in the previous year. HPE’s net sales in the US declined by more than $1.4 billion 2020 against the previous year. Its US net sales in 2020 remained $8,162 million compared to $9.582 million in the previous year. HPE’s net sales in the overseas market also declined by more than $700 million in 2020 compared to 2019. The company generated total $18,820 million from the United States market compared to $19,553 million in 2019.

2019: In fiscal 2019, the total net sales of HPE declined by more than $1.7 billion compared to the previous year. The company generated total $29,135 million in net sales in 2019 compared to $30,852 million in the previous year. Its revenue from the US market declined by $610 million in 2019 compared to 2018. The US net sales of HPE in 2019 remained $9,582 million compared to $10,192 million in 2018. HPE net sales from the overseas markets also declined by more than $1 billion in 2019 compared to the previous year. Its overseas sales remained $19,553 million in 2019 compared to $20,660 million in 2018.

United States is a leading market for Hewlett Packard Enterprises. It accounted for around 33% of the company’s total net revenues in 2018. Non-US revenue was around 67% of the total net revenues. HPE’s total net revenues from US climbed to $ 10,192 millions in 2018 rising from $ 10,022 millions in 2017.