AT&T Prepaid Subscribers

The chart above displays the number of AT&T’s prepaid subscribers from 2011 to 2022 in millions.

In fiscal 2022, the number of AT&T’s prepaid subscribers increased 19.176 million compared to 19.028 million in 2021. AT&T1 also had 84.7 million postpaid subscribers in 2022 compared to 81.534 million in 2021. The company generated total operating revenue of $120.74 billion in 2022 and incurred net losses worth $7.055 billion.

Number of AT&T prepaid Subscribers  2011-2022

Number of subscribers in thousands.

Yearprepaid Subscribers (000s)

 2021: The number of AT&T’s prepaid subscribers in 2021 reached 19.028 million compared to 18.102 million in 2020. There was an increase of 5.1% in the number of AT&T’s prepaid subscribers in 2021 compared to 2020. Its number of postpaid subscribers increased 5.7% in 2021 compared to 2020. the number of postpaid subscribers in 2021 was 81.534 million compared to 77.154 million in 2020.

2020: In fiscal 2020, the number of AT&T’s prepaid subscribers was 18.1 million compared to 17.8 million in 2019. AT&T’s number of Post paid subscribers in 2020 was 77.5 million compared to 75.2 million in the previous year.

2019: In fiscal 2019, the number of prepaid subscribers of AT&T was 17.8 million compared to 16.83 million in 2018. Its number of postpaid subscribers in 2019 was 75.2 million compared to 76.9 million in 2018. The total net revenue of the company increased to $181,193 million in 2019 compared to $170,756 million in 2018.

Number of Prepaid subscribers of AT&T in 2018 reached 16.83 million from  15.34 million in 2017.

  1. AT&T spun off Warner Media in 2022, which was one of its significant operating segments and was bought by Discovery. ↩︎