AT&T Net Revenue

The chart above displays the net operating revenue of AT&T Inc from 2010 to 2022 (including revised revenues for 2020 and 2021). In 2022, AT&T has spun off Warner Media1 which used to be one of its operating segments earlier.

AT&T has organized its business into two operating segments that include communications and Latin America. The Communications segment accounts for the largest part of the company’s net revenue. In 2022, the communications segment alone accounted for $117,067 million of the company’s revenue while the Latin America segment accounted for $3,144 million. The company generated total $120,741 million in net operating revenue including $530 million from other sources.

Net Revenue of AT&T Inc 2006-2022

Amounts are in million dollars.

YearNet Revenue (Mn)
2018$ 170,756
2017$ 160,546
2016$ 163,786
2015$ 146,801
2014$ 132,447
2013$ 128,752
2012$ 127,434
2011$ 126,723
2010$ 124,280
2009$ 122,513  
2008$ 123,443  
2007$ 118,322 
2006$ 62,518 
2005$ 43,764

 AT&T is a holding company with subsidiaries and affiliates operational worldwide in the telecommunications, media and technology industries.  Its business is organized into three main reportable segments – (1) Communications, (2) WarnerMedia, (3) Latin America. Xandr was previously a separate reportable segment but now included in the Warner Media segment. (Note: AT&T spun off Warner Media in 2022.)

2021: The net revenues of AT&T have continued to decline over the past three years. In 2021, its net revenues declined by 1.7% compared to the previous year. The net operating revenues of AT&T in 2021 remained $168,864 million compared to $171,760 million in 2020. The communications segment accounted for 74% of the company’s total operating revenues in 2021, generating $114,730 million in net revenues in 2021.

2020: In 2020, AT&T experienced a significant decline in its total net revenue compared to the prior year. The telecom giant generated only $143,050 million in net revenue in 2020 compared to $181,193 million in 2019.

  2018: Communications is the largest business segment of AT&T accounting for around 85% of the brand’s revenue in 2018. AT&T generated $170,756 million in revenue in 2018.  Revenue from communications amounted to $ 144,631 million in 2018.

  1. AT&T spun off Warner Media in 2022, which was acquired by Discovery. ↩︎